At this year’s 12th Annual National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) leader’s Conference in October at the Alpine Scout Camp, Douglas Fullman, NER Regional Program Director, challenged course directors and Scoutmasters to think about using the NYLT youth staffers within other training platforms. I thought this was a great idea and immediately looked over to Pat Kelly, a previous NYLT Course Director and the current Suffolk County Council Training Chairman. With a quick nod he thought it was a great idea as well. We decided to ask the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) of our weeklong August NYLT Course to assist with our council Den Chief Training Course.

Life Scout Daniel Krolikowski had staffed NYLT as both a Troop Guide and a Senior Patrol Leader. In his home troop his servant leadership as a Den Chief and Troop Guide for the new Scouts had been and continues to be outstanding. I met with “Dan the Man,” as he is known throughout the Suffolk County Council, and we discussed the Den Chief syllabus and assignments.

After our collaboration and Daniel’s execution of Douglas Fullman’s suggestion, I’m pleased to report that the training went far better than expected. Thirty-eight Scouts throughout our district took Den Chief Training. He was well received by the participants, including some who had completed NYLT while Dan was SPL. He conducted the opening and led the activity session. He assisted in the closing and in giving the Den Chief Pledge to our district’s newly trained Den Chiefs. The Scouts who completed this Den Chief training in December left with a tool box filled with the “Be-Know-Do” of Den Chief leadership. They are now well equipped and enabled to successfully follow the EDGE™ method in their duties.

*This article was written in January 2010 and was written before YSDC became the NYLT Leadership Academy*

Our Mission

It is the mission of the NYLT Leadership Academy to provide each council with the opportunity to participate in an effective, world class youth leadership training program. The Leadership Academy’s goal is to develop a staff dedicated to infecting each participant with an enthusiastic force of learning that will instill in them a growth experience that will last a lifetime. This goal will be accomplished through the establishment of a special place where learning and mutual respect are fostered within the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law.


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